2014年5月8日 星期四

▶ short codes


Short codes give you access to information, fast and free. You can use short codes with both monthly and prepaid accounts. Simply scroll down to find the code, and then dial the short code to get the information you need.

Account & phone information

Short code

What it does
#BAL# (#225#)
Check your balance & last payment.
#MIN# (#646#)
Check your minute usage.
#MSG# (#674#)
Check your message usage.
#WEB# (#932#)
Check your web usage.
#NUM# (#686#)
Display your phone number.
#PWD# (#793#)
Reset your voicemail password.
#PWO# (#796#)
Turn the voicemail password on or off.
#ROF# (#763#)
Turn off international data roaming.
#RON# (#766#)
Turn on international data roaming.
#TRK# (#875#)
Track a phone order.
#FAM# (#326#)
Check your Family Allowance usage.
Display the phone's IMEI number.
Check the software version (Motorola & Samsung).
Check the software version on Nokia phones.
#TAXI (#8294)
Locate a nearby taxi service. $1.75 per use.

Call services

Short Code
What it does
**21*PhoneNumber#Turn on unconditional forwarding (CFU) to a number.
##21#Turn off unconditional forwarding.
**61*PhoneNumber#Turn on forwarding if no reply (CF NRY) to a number.
##61#Turn off forwarding if no reply.
**62*PhoneNumber#Turn on when not reachable (CF NRC).
##62#Turn off call forwarding when not reachable.
**67*PhoneNumber#Turn on call forwarding when busy (CFB).
##67#Turn off call forwarding when busy.
(For example, 5 seconds, 10, 15, etc.)
Change the call forwarding delay time (5-30 seconds).
*43#Turn on call waiting.
#43#Turn off call waiting.
*67PhonenumberBlocks outgoing Caller ID on a per-call basis
##004#Cancel all call forwarding.

Pay in Advance (Prepaid)

Short code

What it does
*ADD (*233)Call the Refill Center.
#999# (#999#)
Check your account balance and minutes remaining.
#WEB# (#932#)
Check data used, data plan, and expiration date.

